2018-2020 Cohort 3
NSF Award #1702132
Northeast LSAMP Bridge to Doctorate (May 1, 2017 – April 30, 2020)
PI John Elliott, UConn
Go to our Presentations and Publications page to see what the fellows have been working on.
Godwin Dzidotor
Department: Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Cato T. Laurencin Ph.D. Track |
Pierre Fils
Department: Civil Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Shinae Jang Ph.D. Track |
I’Jaaz Muhammad
Department: Biomedical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Ki Chon Ph.D. Track |
Roman Mays
Department: Electrical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Faquir Jain Ph.D. Track |
Jaseph Soto
Department: Physiology & Neurobiology
Advisor: Dr. Daniel Mulkey Ph.D. Track |
Uchenna Anene
Department: Chemical Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Pamir Alpay Ph.D. Track |
Luis Ortiz
Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Bryan Huey Ph.D. Track |
Victor Calle |
Department: Physiology and Neurobiology
Advisor: Ph.D. Track
2016-2018 Cohort
Where are they now? Go to our updates page to see how our fellows are doing these days.
Go to our Presentations and Publications page to see what the fellows have been working on.
Brandon Williams
Department: Materials Science
Advisor: Dr. Luyi Sun Ph.D. Candidate |
Kevin Rivera
Department: Chemistry
Advisor: Dr. Eugene Pinkhassik Ph.D. Candidate |
Cristian Martin
Department: Chemistry
Advisor: Dr. Eugene Pinkhassik Ph.D. Candidate |
Jessica Maita
Department: Materials Science and Engineering
Advisor: Dr. Seok-Woo Lee Ph.D. Candidate |
Randy Hamchand
Advisor: Dr. Christian Brückner Masters |
Virgilio Lopez
Department: Kinesiology and Exercise Science
Advisor: Dr. Elaine Choung-Hee Lee Masters |