Bryan Huey
Department Head, Professor
Materials Science & Engineering
Current Research
- Tomographic AFM
- Switching dynamics in ferroelectric and multiferroic materials.
- Piezoactuation of novel Piezoelectrics.
- In-situ imaging of Micro-Electro-Mechanical-Systems.
- Nanoscale performance mapping of photovoltaics.
- Photovoltaic reliability and accelerated lifetime testing.
- Nanomechanical dynamics of tissue and living cells.
- Characterization of various nanomaterials and structures.
- Ultrasonic micro-manipulation.
- Various industrial partnerships.
- High Speed AFM and combined AFM/optics.
Awards & Honors
2019 | Inducted into Connecticut Academy of Science and Engineering |
2016 | Fulrath Award (American Ceramics Society) |
2014/15 | Chair: Basic Science Division, American Ceramic Society |
2013 | Conference Co-Organizer: Electronic Materials and Applications |
2011-2012 | VELUX Visiting Professor, Villum Foundation, iNANO Institute, Aarhus University, Denmark |
2007 | Outstanding faculty member (teaching, research, service), UConn MS&E |
2003-2004 | NRC Fellowship |
2001 | NSF International Postdoctoral Award |
2000 | Marshall-Sherfield Fellowship |
1999 | S. J. Stein Prize, outstanding Engineering Thesis, University of Pennsylvania |
Fall 1998 | Materials Research Society, graduate student Gold Medal |
1996 | William S. Yerger Memorial Prize, outstanding graduate student, University of Pennsylvania |
Significant Publications
J.J. Steffes, R.A. Ristau. R. Ramesh, B.D. Huey, “Thickness Scaling of Ferroelectricity in BiFeO3 by Tomographic Atomic Force Microscopy,” PNAS, 1806074116, 2019.
M.R. Chowdhury, J. Steffes, B.D. Huey, J.R. McCutcheon, “3D printed polyamide membranes for desalination,” Science, 361 [6403], 682-686, 2018.
K. Atamanuk, J. Luria, B. D. Huey, “Direct AFM-based nanoscale mapping and tomography of open-circuit voltages for photovoltaics,” Beilstein J. Nanotechnol., 9, 1802-1808, 2018.
S. Siol, A. Holder, J. Steffes, L. T. Schelhas, K. H. Stone, L. Garten, J. D. Perkins, P. A. Parilla, M. F. Toney, B. D. Huey, W. Tumas, S. Lany, A. Zakutayev, “Negative-pressure polymorphs made by heterostructural alloying,” Science Advances, 4 [4], eaaq1442, 2018.
Y. Kutes, J. Luria, Y Sun, A. Moore, B. A. Aguirre, J. L. Cruz-Campa, M. Aindow, D. Zubia, B.D. Huey, Ion-damage-free planarization or shallow angle sectioning of solar cells for mapping grain orientation and nanoscale photovoltaic properties, Nanotechnology, 28, 185705, 2017.
R. Keech, L. Ye, J. L. Bosse, G. Esteves, J. Guerrier, J. L. Jones, M. A. Kuroda, B. D. Huey, S. Trolier-McKinstry, Declamped Piezoelectric Coefficients in Patterned 70/30 Lead Magnesium Niobate–Lead Titanate Thin Films, Advanced Functional Materials, 27 (9), 1605014, 2017.
J. Luria, Y. Kutes, A. Moore, L. Zhang, E. Stach, B. D. Huey, Charge Transport in CdTe Solar Cells Revealed by Conductive Tomographic Atomic Force Microscopy, Nature Energy, p. 16150 (1-6), 2016.
Y. Kutes, Y. Zhou, J. Bosse, J. Steffes, N. P. Padture, B. D. Huey, Mapping the Photoresponse of CH3NH3PbI3 Hybrid Perovskite Thin Films at the Nanoscale, Nanoletters, 16 (6), 3434-41, 2016.
Y. Kutes, B.A. Aguirre, J.L. Bosse, J.L. Cruz-Campa, D. Zubia, B.D. Huey, Mapping Photovoltaic Performance with Nanoscale Resolution, Progress in Photovoltaics, 24 (3), p. 315-25, 2016.
M. Rivas, V. Vyas, A. Carter, J. Veronick, Y. Khan, O. V. Kolosov, R. Polcawich, B. D. Huey, “Nanoscale mapping of in situ actuating microelectromechanical systems with AFM,” J. Materials Research (& cover), 30 (3), 1-13, 2015.
J. T. Heron, J. Bosse, Q. He, Y. Gao, M. Trassin, L. Ye, J. D. Clarkson, C. Wang, J. Liu, S. Salahuddin, D. C. Ralph, D. G. Schlom, J. Iniguez, B. D. Huey, R. Ramesh, “Deterministic Switching of Ferromagnetism at Room Temperature Using an Electric Field,” Nature, 516, 370-73, 2014.
Y. Kutes, L. Ye, Y. Zhou, S. Pang, B. D. Huey, N. P. Padture, “Direct Observation of Ferroelectric Domains in Solution-Processed CH3NH3PbI3 Perovskite Thin Films,” JPCL, 5 (19), 3335–3339, 2014.
Bosse, J.L. and B.D. Huey, “Error-corrected AFM: a simple and broadly applicable approach for substantially improving AFM image accuracy,” Nanotechnology, 25 (15), 2014.
J. L. Bosse, S. Lee, A. S. Andersen, D. S. Sutherland, B. D. Huey, “High Speed Friction Microscopy and Nanoscale Friction Coefficient Mapping,” Meas. Sci. and Tech., 25 (11), 2013.
I. Grishin, B.D. Huey, and O.V. Kolosov, “Three-Dimensional Nanomechanical Mapping of Amorphous and Crystalline Phase Transitions in Phase-Change Materials,” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 5 (21), 11441-11445, 2013.
B. D. Huey, R. Nath, S. Lee, N. A. Polomoff, “High Speed SPM Applied for Direct Nanoscale Mapping of the Influence of Defects on Ferroelectric Switching Dynamics,” J. ACerS (& cover), 95 [4] 1147-1162, 2012.
S. Verma, B. D. Huey, D. J. Burgess, “Scanning probe microscopy method for nanosuspension stabilizer selection,” Langmuir, 25 (21), pp. 12481-7, 2009.
B. D. Huey, “AFM and Acoustics: Fast, Quantitative, Nanomechanical Mapping,” Annual Reviews of Materials Research, 37, 2007, p. 351-85. | |
Phone | 860.486.3284 |
Mailing Address | Department of Materials Science & Engineering 97 North Eagleville Road, Unit 3136 Storrs, CT 06269-3136 |
Office Location | IMS-111 |
Campus | Storrs |
Link | |