Eric Donkor
Electrical Engineering
All of my professional life has been in academia. I was a high school physics and mathematics teacher for two years following my undergraduate studies at the University of Cape Coast, Ghana West Africa. I graduated from Cape Coast University with B.S (Physics) and Dip. Ed. I then studied at Boston University for my Masters degree in Electrical Engineering, and completed my formal education at the University of Connecticut (Uconn) where I obtained my Ph.D (EE) degree in 1988. That same year, I joined the Electrical and Computer Engineering department as an Assistant Professor. I am currently an Associate Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Uconn. 1n 2000 I received the School of Engineering “Outstanding Teaching Faculty” award, and “Excellence in Teaching” award from the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department. The graduate and undergraduate courses I routinely teach are included in my CV.
My primary research focuses on a) high-speed (40-100Gb/s) all-optical switching for fiber-based networks, b) terahertz subcarrier frequency generation for wireless and microwave-over-fiber communication links, c) optical analog-to-digital converters with sampling rates between 4-10 gigasamples/second, and d) experimental optical quantum computing.
I am an editor of the Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (JNN) Conference Chair of SPIE Quantum Computing. I am also a Senior Member of IEEE and belong to the LEOS technical group where I served as the Educational Committee Chair for two years, as well as Chair of the LEOS Connecticut Chapter. I am also a life member of Sigma Xi.
I serve (or has served) as reviewer (or adhoc reviewer) for SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering, IEEE Industrial electronics, SPIE Journal of Optical Engineering, NSF.